learnpython24.-(first python program)

                FIRST PYTHON  PROGRAM

Writing Our First Python Program

Today we will be writing our first program in Python Language. I know you were waiting to do this for long.

Let's get to business and start writing our first python program. Follow the below steps:

  1. Open Pycharm and create a new file in it.
  2. Keep in mind the file name should not match any module name.
  3. After creating a new file, type print("Hello World")
  4. And then run your program.
  5. You will get the output as "Hello World."

So, this is our first python program, and in this program, we just used a print function. In this function, whatever we pass in parenthesis () in a double quote or single quote gets printed (as it is) on the screen.

Make sure you have written and executed the below code to get a feel of what it looks like!

print("Hello world!")

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